Wind is a natural phenomenon caused by the rotation of the earth, the pressure difference in the atmosphere and the temperature difference between the water and the land.
Since ancient times, the exploitation of wind energy has played an important role in the development of the economy and human needs. First with windmills and sailing boats and now in modern times the conversion of wind energy to electricity.
Wind energy is the energy produced by the exploitation of the wind. This energy is termed "mild form of energy" and is included in "clean" sources, as it is customary to say non-polluting or polluting sources of energy. The earliest form of wind energy exploitation was the sails of the first sailing ships and much later the windmills on land. It is called Aeolian because in Greek mythology Aeolus was the god of the wind.
Wind energy is now an attractive solution to the problem of electricity generation. "Fuel" is abundant, decentralized and free. No greenhouse gases and other pollutants are released, and the environmental impact is small compared to conventional fuels. Also, the economic benefits of a region from the development of the wind industry are significant.