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The greener energy is the unused ...

One of the major cost centers in today's Businesses and Organizations is the consumption of electricity. But apart from the economic dimension of the issue, there is also the environmental. By properly managing electricity consumption, we are also reducing our environmental impacts by reducing CO2 emissions. Optimal management of energy consumption can only be achieved as long as there is a complete picture of where, when, why and to what extent these consumables exist.

Surveys conducted in recent years on 10,000 companies in the European Union found that about 46% of total electricity is consumed during non-business hours and days. The sample size of the survey is so large that this percentage is now officially accepted. So, for example if you run a business or organization between 8am and 4pm, five days a week, then the total non-working hours per year is about 6,760 hours. In most cases, employees do not turn off shared office equipment such as photocopiers, printers, PC screens, etc., either believing that the equipment is not important or negligent.


That you can't measure it ... you can't manage it.

Our company proposes Energy Monitoring and Establishment of Energy Targets. Monitoring the operation of buildings' energy systems is an essential process for energy efficiency. Energy monitoring organizes, records and examines energy use throughout the building, separating energy data according to use and source of energy.

Energy monitoring is the process of continuously measuring the energy behavior of a building before and especially after applying one or more energy saving capabilities to energy building installations. It is therefore a means of assessing the efficiency of the relevant energy saving interventions, comparing the energy behavior of the building after its application with that of the building prior to its implementation.

Targeting is an extension of Energy Monitoring. It is a process that deals with:

  • in-depth consideration of monitored energy use by period (day, week, month) and optimization of this use based on specific energy goals.
  •   This process can be used as an incentive for building users to apply energy efficient housekeeping measures.

We transform the energy knowledge of the building into rules and management commands.

Management of Electricity Consumption.

  • Ability to control devices.
  • Actions based on measurements by sensors.
  • Programming of device operation or device group by setting their operating hours or by specifying rules related to the hours, days and measurements of the sensors.

In our company we believe that the Energy System should have the following additional capabilities:

  • Open architecture, in the sense of being interconnected, with other information management systems.
  •   Scalability, to be able to cover additional new spaces in the same building or other company buildings.
  •   Portability, the equipment can be removed and transferred to a new building.
  •   Easy installation, with minimal wiring or no wiring (wireless communication).
  •   Centralized management of multiple buildings.
  •   Continuous monitoring and recording of consumption as well as device measurements.

Contact us for more information, and our qualified consultant will thoroughly analyze the systems and suggest a well-documented, expert study that is best suited to meet your needs.


234 Petrou Rally Ave. Nikea, Greece


Email: info@hellasnrg.gr                 Telephone: (+30) 210 4910550